
bg by Yuni-Naoki

pagedoll by milksop_nugget

welcome to my homepage!

Hi my name is Froyo and this website is all about my OCs! I highly recommend clicking on and mousing over anything and everything for different surprises and gags! I worked hard to fill my site with fun interactive elements for my visitors. If you feel a bit overwhelmed try clicking the random button in the nav bar to be taked to a random OC page.

I made this site with desktop users in mind and while the pages are funtional on mobile they look way uglier and certain elements and functions will not be available!


Please be aware that many pages may cause eye strain or contain fast moving/flashing gifs, and some videos may play at a loud volume. Many pages include crude humor and suggestive themes.



About | Links!



Added an update section! Not sure how much I'm gonna use it though. I also added a guestbook that would be cool if you would sign it! I don't expect to have a lot of visitors outside of the people I'm already friends with but I would love if my guestbook section could be used for sharing OC related stuff!

x/xx/2025- I moved!

Now that I'm more confident in my html skills I decided it's time to create a more ambitious site (with the help of this template). I am going to dedicate this site just to my oc projects but I might keep @froyothough for personal stuff (maybe).